Can you trust a girl best friend? (long)

My boyfriend has a girl best friend who initially was his coworker, but now they’re best friends even if they’ve only known each other for about a year. I saw their dms to each other and he once sent her a picture that said that when he looks into her eyes he sees the whole universe… (this was before we met, she had a boyfriend at the time but he was single). I have never really felt comfortable with their relationship and told him in the beginning that I didn’t like them two together. He told me that he would never stop being friends with her because no one understands him like she does, and she has always supported him. A thing that makes me worried is that I am certain that he finds her attractive. When I saw a picture of my boyfriends ex I actually thought that it was his best friend. She is exactly his type. He has also posted pictures of her on his social media, in addition to me.

They have like a brother and sister relationship where they play fight over text and tease each other with mean comments. In the beginning of our relationship he would always talk about her and it would piss me off, after I voiced my concern he doesn’t talk about her that much. A problem I have with them is that he goes to her with our relationship issues. He tells her about our sex life, our arguments and our feelings. Sometimes I have told my friends about our fights, but majority of the time I solve things by myself without involving my friends. I don’t like that she knows so much about me and our relationship. She has never said anything bad about me that I know of, but their relationship has never felt right to me. My boyfriend has mentioned that his previous girlfriends weren’t comfortable with his girl best friends either and that he has had to cut people off during his relationships. I don’t want to be controlling and make him stop talking to his friends, but I don’t know if i’m ever going to be comfortable and safe with a boyfriend that has mostly female friends. I’m not sure if i’m insecure or if my thoughts are valid. His best friend is also in a relationship, but I don’t know if there’s a reason to be worried..

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