You don't deserve sympathy over your cheating partner

Dear friend

You've gone against everyone's advice and better judgment and forgiven and got back together with your cheating partner. You're excusing his behavior when he hasn't bothered to make excuses himself.

You're trying for a baby, you're planning to marry him, you know like you know that you will NOT leave him like you say when you're in a mania episode over his behavior. Even when you find shady messages and always have a pit in your stomach because your intuition is not lying to you. You are lying to you. You know how your future is going to be with this man.

So now you don't get to play the victim, you don't get to come here and drain me and expect sympathy. I don't want to hear about how broken he makes you feel, you don't deserve to vent anymore.

He's staying out late again drinking with his friends while you're home with the baby? Guess what, I don't care. He's rude to you and plays video games all day while you beg for attention? not my problem.

At this point I've come to the conclusion that you LIKE to be hurt. Why else are you perpetuating this? I don't feel sorry for you anymore, and I don't want you venting to me or to anyone. Leave people alone if you plan to stay in this misery. Stop seeking advice if you're incapable of listening, people are sick of you. People think you're pathetic and playing victim.

Should you do couple's counseling? I don't care. Do it, don't do it, you're not going to leave him anyways.

Oh! He ignores you all day while he's on his phone and won't even help with the baby while you want to shower? Oh well. But somehow he will completely change once you get pregnant with another one? Gotcha, makes sense.

The second you decide you've come to your senses and you want to be happy and prioritize yourself, then reach out. I will be more that happy to be in your life. At this point I care more about you than you do yourself and I can't stay and watch him suck the life, energy and happiness from you. Goodbye