What are the odds of the same Birthday?

Jennifer • 24 . I`m married 10/14/2023. Baby girl born 6/13/19. Baby boy born 6/6/24.

I was looking back at my doctor notes from my pregnancy with my daughter. My original due date with her was June 22 and they changed the date because she was measuring small. They changed the daye to July 3rd. I ended up having her on June 13th. Well, I am currently pregnant again. I found out 5 years and one day apart with the first test positive. The lovely due date for this baby is July 4th. I'm really hoping this baby stays in past her birthday so she can have her birthday all to her self so people are not coming just to see the new born. What are the odds of two babys having almost the exact same birthday? Both of them were oops but not a mistakes. My first was on birth control and the second I was just starting a pill till I was ready for another. My husband is so excited lmfao. What are the odds lol.