water broke?? 36+5

Lexi • Wife💍Mama🩵 Birth Mother🤍👼🏻x3

since about 8am i’ve noticed my panties have had wet spots every time i go to the bathroom. this isn’t uncommon because i have had an increase in discharge the last month or so, but these spots seems much bigger and there’s no actual discharge in my panties, just wetness. i just made breakfast and it leaked through to my pants. (not a lot but this has never happened with discharge) i’m not having any cramps or contractions and i haven’t seen any of my mucus plug either. could this be a slow leaking water break or just discharge? should i wait a couple hours to see if i start contracting before i go to or even call the hospital? husband is at work until 5pm and hospital is 40mins away. i’m laying down right now and am going to try to stay laying down for a while and see what happens when i stand up. also, on another bit i’ve noticed baby isn’t nearly as active as he usually is, though im still feeling him at least 5-10 times an hour.