I don’t know what to do anymore

My husband has secretly watched porn a number of times now. And each time there’s a huge fight with him promising never to watch again. I know such a common story.

This time I found it in his browser history and he fucking lied to my face saying I dont know how that got there. Only later to admit he watched

The lying and breaking of promises on top of how i feel about porn is making me so angry and done.

But im stuck with him. I have a newborn and two toddlers and zero family and only very far away friends. I am the breadwinner but depend on him for childcare cuz i wouldnt be able to afford it on my own.

I dont know what to do now. And we have other issues as well.

In my head im just waiting until the kids are older and not so dependent on me to divorce him. But until then im so so stuck

Any advice or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated

Im so so hurt