Low bp@ 25wks

Ladies today was day #2 where I get a dizzy spell and I have to stop whatever I’m doing and just lay down, my head immediately starts to hurt and I get weak, and find it somewhat difficult to breath. Takes about an hr for me to recover or somewhat feel better. Baby is moving and I have checked with the Doppler and good hr. Husband wants to take me in to the ER but idk if is a reason to go to ER or if I should schedule appt with obgyn! Both times my bp drops but I was scared today since it went to 90/54 and HR was 113. I do have history of vasovagalsyncope so I think it may be that.

What do y’all think? ER visit idk what they’ll do. I have never had a nice experience in ER and just waste time there..

Edit to add: I didn’t run to ER when it happened because I have toddlers and husband was at work but I told him what has happened and he’s worried and wants us to go in but I feel fine now so idk if it would be worth a trip.