BFN so far… does my chart look okay?


I feel like the second half of my chart is looking very positive and all the signs are making me “feel” pregnant. I’ve been having a pinching and pulling feeling since 9DPO (very different to my AF signs)

I don’t know why FF has my AF as due on CD26 (it should be CD30/31).

I tested yesterday at 11DPO and got a BFN which I was surprised by and obviously disappointed. I’m nervous to test again. Should I just wait a couple more days?

Does my chart look okay to you guys?

Thanks for the help

I should say, I’ve got a 4 year old son and I’ve had one loss which was ectopic and I had to have my left tube removed in the process so I know TTC will be harder than it has been previously but I’m trying to stay positive 🙏🏼