Possible pregnancy?


Hi everyone it’s been a while since I’ve posted on Glow but I need some advice😭 my cycles are quite irregular, I’m on the progesterone only pill. I’m currently on cycle day 46, me and my husband had intercourse on the 29th December and then I accidentally missed my pill the next day on the 30th.🫣 I also didn’t take the missed pill the next day as I didn’t realised I needed to but carried on as normal taking the next pill in the pack. I still haven’t started my period yet and I’m worried I may be pregnant.😭 Everything I’ve searched on the internet says to avoid intercourse for 2 days after a missed pill but nothing about if I had it the day before a missed pill. I’m just thinking if sperm can survive for up to 5 days there’s a chance I wasn’t protected as I missed my pill the day after intercourse. It’s only been 10 days since missed pill so do you think I’d be able to take a test now? Any advice would be welcome🙏🏼