Is he playing games with me?

So..I thought I had a really good guy. I still think he's great. He had alot of issues going on, he pulled back and broke up.

I told him I can't be friends with him bc I still like him alot. Well we stopped talking for a week or two and he messages me out thr blue.

Just a simple Hi.. I was so excited. I qord vomit basically. I asked how he was, kids. Told him I was th inking about him only for him to say he was just messaged me about work and checking up on me to see if I'm working wct.

I want to cry now. I still have feelings for him and I was doing okay getting getting past him now I have to start all over.@Veronica: i agree. Also he broke up with me so why check up on me ? Theres no need to.@Bunny: I agree. He broke up with me he doesnt get to decide to be friends now. No thats up to me and my answer is no.