Do you go to bed at the same time as your spouse?

My hubby works hard from the moment his feet hit the floor to the moment his head hits the pillow. He’s up at 4am, goes to work, gets home helps with the kids while I make dinner or even helps make dinner some nights, we get the kiddos to bed, chat for a few minutes then he takes about a 5 minute shower and goes to bed. I am blessed to be a SAHM/WAHM with just a small side business getting up and going, I am up at 5am, try to take care of my body by exercising, I also homeschool our two boys, keep the house tidy and kept up, and home make everything(bread, snacks, meals, etc). We both have BUSY days, in different ways. And my evening routine is a lot more involved. I take maybe 20 minutes between shower, shaving, washing my face, going to the bathroom alone for the first time that day, face care (my skin has been ridiculously painfully broken out for a few years now..), brushing teeth etc and everything that it entails so by the time I am crawling into bed he’s asleep. He’s not a big cuddler neither am I, but I do feel guilty not going to bed at the same time as I recall our premarital counselor saying it drove a wedge between another of his clients. Is it normal to go to bed at the same time? What are your alls thoughts on going to bed at the same time? It’s definitely not our time for intimacy, so thankfully it doesn’t get in the way of that, just literally going to sleep together. We’re newly married so I am just curious if I should adjust something to be able to make it a priority.

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