Implantation or period


Hi everyone I need your help on 8th January I went to the toilet and wiped myself and there was blood pink in colour. I thought it was my period but after about ten minutes I checked myself again and there was nothing no blood. Today 10th January I went to the toilet early hours had some light spots of blood, light watery pink in colour. I woke up this morning and my pad had bits of blood not much but brown in colour. I thought ok maybe it's my period. I have just been toilet about five minutes ago and wiped myself it's very water based pink blood. My period is regularly every 28 days and lasts usually 3 to 4 days. This isn't normal for me so I wanted to check if this is implantation or period. I have a photo that I have just taken if someone can help me in distinguishing whether it's period or not. Thank you in advance!