Over it

People wanna be shitty okay fine, but don’t invoke my son. Idgaf if his dad wants to help these pos of shit out, his problem and loss. Like I don’t see how grandparents can play obvious favorites, and no one does anything about it. Like, how horrible are you that you forget your oldest grandchild’s birthday and only remember your younger one, how do you only do one for the youngest but never for the older one? Why does his father even fucking allow this and even defend them and use dumb ass excuses, like his dad isn’t around so he gets more. Like okay than my son isn’t gonna be around them, like he’s not gonna feel like he’s not wanted when he’s older by them if I get my way. Can’t with these people at all either, wanted to run they’re mouths about me being a shitty parent yet they’re the ones raising the other grandkid too, since they wanna spoil they’re pos daughter too. No lie this bitch stole her moms car drunk and got in a hit and run and fled, than wrapped an electric wire around it and dented the whole front end in. Not to mention my parents are the only ones who’ve watched him more often, kept him over night so I can get a break, and with anything else. Not to mention no one besides them ever cared if I needed a break or time out of the house. Shit I get pitty dates, promised for the following weekend but there not until like 6 months later when I’m already way past done, and ready to hurt my “fiance” since he thinks he can lie and do what ever, and use well someone has to be the responsible one and it’s always me, I’m the one always suck inside, doesn’t get to even go out, who’s always with her kid, can’t go anywhere without him. I’m just over this and really ready to give up I’ve been stuck inside to long way too long.


Younger grandchild is Sister in laws kid.

MIL is a lying bitch.