Stopped leaking colostrum after stomach flu

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this because I think it’s interesting. So since about 17 weeks probably I’d been leaking colostrum that had picked up in intensity like crazy over time. It had gotten to the point where I would leak through nursing pads in a few hours by 28 weeks. Every single shirt would have multiple wet marks/dry crust spots (if you know you know lol) right up until I’m pretty sure I had the stomach flu. I was throwing up like crazy, couldn’t keep down any food or water for that day, and was beyond exhausted. I was super dehydrated. It only lasted one day pretty much but it was miserable. That same day my colostrum completely dried up! It’s been like a week and a half since and it’s just barely starting to lightly come back, but is like the tiniest of drops once or twice a day.