Does this sound like labor or that it’s near?? FTM

I’m a FTM 30 weeks and today I’ve been having a lot of pain/pressure in my body all day and my stomach has just felt extra heavy. Right now I’m laying in bed trying to sleep but I keep having what I thought were braxton hicks but they’re pretty strong (not necessarily super painful at this point) but they’re coming in waves and I struggle to breathe in while they’re happening. I tried switching to be laying on my other side while one was happening and felt a lot of pressure and a tiny bit of pain while in the middle of rolling. Right now I’m planning on trying to sleep and just seeing if it gets painful before I go anywhere because I’m scared to be wrong and waste a bunch of money going to the hospital over nothing. Baby is pretty active right now

Morning update: Lol thanks guys you were right. Not labor 🤦‍♀️ baby is still in there. I was able to fall asleep and feel better today so far