2 kids at 21 .. HELP!

Hey everyone! I just need a little help!!

I am based in the UK and need some advice and help with finances.

So I have my first child as a teen mum, he is great and absolutely perfect. I have just found out I’m pregnant with second and I cannot wait! Both me and my partner work but I recently just left my job due to unreliable hours, I’m still looking for work at the minute and plan to work through my pregnancy if it allows me too. I am however conscious of how much money we will make once baby is here and if anyone knows anyways I could get more money or some help being we are low income?

I’m also TERRIFIED of PPD after I had it with my son and it took me 2 years to get out of it. How was everyone’s experience going from 1 to 2 kids??

Please no hate, I’m just trying to figure it all out❤️