Static smiley face, but negative OPk

Hi, Has anyone had this before!! I got my static solid on the clear blue advance last night about 11pm. but when I did a cheap test strip opk it was still negative, but getting darker. I did another one at 12.45pm the next day and the strip was positive. I then went on to get my peak tonight at 11pm with the test line being darker than the control. Which one should I take as my peak.

Last month both tests were positive at the same time, and the app said I would ovulate the next day. so I did a home insemination that night of the peak, the night I ovulated according the app and the night after ovulation. Which worked as I got a BFP the day of missed period, but unfortunately it ended in a chemical pregnancy at 4 weeks/4days. So I wanted to do the same this month, but now am confused on what day would be classed as my peak day, I don’t want to miss any peak days.

Can anyone help me please. 😩

Thank you