Elective induction at 39 weeks?

Lexi • Wife💍Mama🩵 Birth Mother🤍👼🏻x3

I went in for my 38 week appt today and the doctor checked me and said i was still 1cm, same as last week. Then he said he could induce me next week if i wanted. I was kind of shocked, I mean isn’t 39 weeks a little early for that? (I’ve had a completely healthy pregnancy & baby) I politely declined and told him I want to make it to 40 weeks before we start thinking about induction. He was fine with that. But man it’s tempting to call him and say nevermind yes give me my baby i’m ready!! I saw my husband get excited out the corner of my eye when he said it too lol. But I’m planning on giving birth naturally with no interventions at all if possible. I think it would be much harder for me to have an unmedicated birth with those pitocin contractions. I was induced with my first at 40+1 (elective) and I got an epidural at 6cm. I was planning on getting the epidural with my first birth anyways but I remember those contractions, yikes, and shoutout to all the mamas that go through those😩 Hopefully our little man makes his arrival soon and we don’t have to resort to induction, but I wouldn’t want to do it anyways unless I went past 41 weeks! Anyone here have an elective induction at 39 weeks? Did you/your body feel ready or did it feel rushed?