What is going on? Ovulation bleeding??


I could really use some insight if anyone has any so I hop right into it. I 100% ovulated either Friday 1/12 or Saturday 1/13, I test my LH around this time for BC. The tests started get much darker two days prior to me leaving for me leaving town for the weekend (accidentally leaving test at home). I can back Sunday and my LH was back down which wasn’t surprising. We waited until two more negative test Monday night so my boyfriend and I did the deed and I bled a little during but not after at all and not when we had sex again like an 30min-hour after. I was well prepped for sex and this has just never happened before so I’m just confused. But WAIT it gets more confusing, this morning (at least 3 dpo) we have sex again and the exact same thing happens. Just a little bleeding during sex but nothing at all after. Nothingg hurts I’m just so confused. Sorry this is a book I just figured details can’t hurt.