31 weeks, baby is traverse


I can’t believe I am 31 weeks with my rainbow baby!

31 weeks of happiness, gratefulness, excitement, but also 31 weeks of anxiety and fear of what could (or could not happen)

Well this week is the fear my baby will not turn in time for birth. She is currently transverse. I’m like 99% positive because of where I feel her kicks and how my stomach feels, nothing in lower pelvic area

I’m thinking it’s because of the monster of a fibroid she shares my uterus with. It’s 11cm and moves from the left side of my uterus to completely blocking my cervix.

This is scary and frustrating but we’ll see if she’s able to turn before our due date. I was already expecting to have a c-section because of the fibroid but I don’t want to add any more complications to the mix than I have already. My next OB appointment is next week so who knows, maybe she’ll be head down by then.

But here’s to week 31, one week closer to meeting my little girl!