Has your partner ever told you “I hate you” during an argument

I understand that when we are angry we say really mean stuff but I have never told my bf I hate them. As much as I’m angry I watch my words. The worst I’ve said was “I need someone who values me”

This has been the 3rd tjme my bf tells me “I hate you, I really do” he has said in Spanish which sound more powerful.

Weeks before he has told me he loves me a lot and I’m the love of his life. How can people say this to your significant other??

I feel fucked in my head. I screamed at him and said “if you hate me why are you with me?”

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Posted at
I’ve never said anything like that to my husband and would be upset if he said something like that to me.


Posted at
So stop playing games and dump him. If he hates you then why are you putting up with it?


Posted at
If you really truly love someone you wouldn’t say those words. I feel like it’s unsaid that in a relationship no matter how angry we get we do not say those three words. I’ve never, he has never. And we have been PLENTY mad at one another.


Posted at
I mean, Ive said it myself, but not like screaming I hate you. It’s more of a resigned/sarcastic I hate you.