Does this mean he finds me unattractive?

I’m dating a guy. Had 7 dates.

In the evening on dates, we are very affectionate, lots of playful banter, kissing, we can’t take our hands off each other. He knows I’m looking for a serious relationship. We’ve had three dates where we sleep together..

But he always wants me to leave early in the morning, or he leaves my house early. He plans leaving early the night before. Then he doesn’t message to check I drove home safely (I live an hour away). He’s distant between dates, slow to reply to texts and never asks me on the next date until the last minute

Also last date, when I stayed over, I had a nightmare and patted him on the chest in my sleep. I was all frightened. Which woke him up. In the morning I was embarrassed, and he didn’t reassure me just said ‘yeh woke me up twice.’

He’s never physically affectionate in the morning and I don’t know what’s wrong with me

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