Someone tell me violence is not the answer

This ahh I am so annoyed I told him to use a condom. I told him I didn't wanna have anymore children. I told him I am not mentally stable enough to do it again. I told him where my morals stand in the beginning of our relationship that I don't ever want to harm another thing myself. But did he listen no of course not. He isn't gonna have to be the one to ultimately make the choice. He won't have to be the one to do anything. Once again I am left holding the fucking rails. Dose he really not understand I am on a tight rope with no net. And his dumb ass didn't use a condom. This is not just my fault here. If he would have listened and not touched me I wouldn't be sitting here holding all the god damn responsibility. I know what my options are and honestly one 1 of them makes sense and all I wanna do is cry. This fuckin asshole I told him he should get a vasectomy but nooooo can't do that. And now here we are he better not bring home my cast iron anytime soon or I might hit him with it I am so angry and upset with him. Like dude seriously I told you to touch me without a condom and somehow I am the one to blame like I can somehow control this wtf now I am being forced to make a choice I never wanted to make in the first place. Fml anyway thanks for letting me rant.