

I have been diagnosed with gestational hypertension. I had a check up on Wednesday they did an ultrasound and everything looked great but then my BP was elevated. They had me do blood work and a 24 hr urine test to check for preeclampsia. Blood work and urine came back normal so no preeclampsia.

Yesterday (Friday) I had another BP check appointment. Blood pressure was higher than Wednesday and they sent me to the hospital for tests, more blood work and urine and they did a NST. My blood pressure was normal! And all the other tests were fine. They sent me home and told me to get a BP cuff and monitor at home over the weekend and I have another appointment next Tuesday AM. They mentioned having to induce me at 37 weeks. Did anyone else go through something similar? I really don’t want to be induced, but I also want what’s best for me and baby. Curious what my options might be.