3DPO - extreme fatigue and low grade fever


I have had extreme fatigue 2DPO and 3DPO along with a low grade fever. Today, 3DPO, i had an increase in appetite and late in the evening slight nausea. What do these symptoms mean?

Update: chatgpt to the rescue

Symptoms commonly associated with the post-ovulation phase and increased progesterone levels include:

1. Fatigue or extreme tiredness

2. Mild abdominal cramping or discomfort

3. Breast tenderness or swelling

4. Increased appetite or cravings

5. Bloating or water retention

6. Mood swings or irritability

7. Headaches

8. Nausea or queasiness

9. Increased sensitivity to smell

10. Changes in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea)

11. Heightened sense of smell

12. Acne or skin breakouts

13. Heightened emotional sensitivity

14. Difficulty sleeping or insomnia

These symptoms can vary from person to person and may not be experienced by everyone. If you have concerns about your symptoms or if they significantly impact your daily life, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and advice.