Birth control caused miscarriage?


Question. I was on birth control for 13 years, I was told by the pharmacist that it could take months before my body would ovulate due to how long I was taking the pill. So, when I came off the pill, I was in shock when I was pregnant immediately. I was glad, but surprised! Unfortunately, that pregnancy wasn’t viable and ended in miscarriage. My husband asked the doctor if this was related to my body being out of whack after being on the pill for so long. She said studies say no. And they do, but studies also show that being on the pill for an extended period of time can deplete your body of essential vitamins such as b12, folate, b6, etc. all in which are needed to be able to maintain a pregnancy. When low, they can cause miscarriage. My blood cells are on the low end of normal, which makes me think I am deficient in these things, because a lack of the vitamins birth control can deplete are all the vitamins needed to create more blood cells. (I’m a nurse - which is good and bad since I know too much about my body lol). I was never educated by anyone to take a multivitamin while on the pill either. And I didn’t start researching all of this until after my miscarriage.

Anyways, maybe getting pregnant right after coming off the pill wasn’t the reason for my miscarriage, but maybe it was. I’m just wondering how many of you had a miscarriage as well as soon as you came off your birth control?