I feel like I’m failing as a mom😭

My daughter is 2.5 now and I truly love watching her little imagination grow and seeing her learn new things🥹💖 But she’s also developing her own opinions now which is great because she’s her own little person.. but sometimes it’s hard to handle and know what to say😞 I try my best to be patient with her and be respectful of her but I’m at a loss at how to handle certain things that have been happening more often recently..

1. She’s VERY opinionated about who she wants to do things (diaper changes, pushing her in the swing, etc) and most of the time she picks everyone else over me which is so hurtful sometimes as her mom🙁

2. We are full force in the “I want to share” phase.. except to her that means she wants to “share” the other kids toy and she doesn’t want to give it back to them😅

3. Sometimes she can be just downright mean and I have no idea where it’s coming from😭 Today we were at a birthday party and one of the moms let me know afterwards that my daughter was being ugly and pulling a little boys hair and making him cry. I obviously had no idea this was happening or I would’ve corrected it, but I’m so embarrassed over it😞 She will also say “mommy stop singing” or “stop smiling at me” or “don’t look at me” and I’m at a complete loss on why she’s saying stuff like that.

If only parenting came with a guide book because half the time I feel like I’m just winging it and doing my best not to mess up as a mom😭