hardly any pregnancy symptoms 4 weeks 3 days


i’ve had pretty much no pregnancy symptoms since i found out, i wouldn’t even have taken a test if i weren’t a day late. i’m 12 months post partum if that matters and stopped breastfeeding fully early january this year and was fully dried up early february, so my boobs are just saggy lumps😅

with my son i had practically all the symptoms starting early. this go around i am just nauseous that’s really it.

my test look great! my levels at 4 weeks were 200 and they said that was perfect im waiting for my other results to come in that we took yesterday they should be at 400 or around that. i just cant help but worry this lack of symptoms are bad!! ik every pregnancy is different but i just need reassurance.


these are my test i’ve already gotten a slight dye stealer!!