Trying to be hopeful


Is 8-9 days DPO too early too test positive? I tested when I was 9 DPO as I was feeling some nausea, light cramping, I wanted ao many different foods, weird dreams, I was urinating a little more often. The test came back negative. Fata forward to now, I'm 13 DPO. I went to bed slightly nauseous, I woke up nauseous. My breasts have been hurting since around 10DPO still with some inconsistent light cramping. I went for a run yesterday and had some light spotting, that's only ever happened to me one other time. My period is expected tomorrow, I haven't had the cramping I usually have before my period starts, its always been pretty much the same feeling, but I still have cramping. I'm also almost never nauseous before my period starts. I guess its a long way of asking, if I tested negative then, could I test positive now? Or has anyone had anything similar? Thanks in advance