Teeth Brushing


My two year old has started throwing awful tantrums when I try to help him brush his teeth. He will do it a little himself but he mostly wants to just suck on the tooth brush. Does anyone have any advice how to make this easier on both of us Im stuck and at a lose on what else to try. I’ve tried reading to him or let him play a game, tried saying nursery rhythms, that worked before but now nothings working. He’s so stubborn and independent, I don’t know what else to do. Should I stop trying to help him all together and just let what little he does be good enough until he starts to do better on his own. It’s stressing me out because I don’t want him to get cavities but trying to help him is stressing us both out. I have major anxiety and feel like I should be able to calm him down or I’m not doing good enough to get him to listen to me 😩 but I know tantrums are part of the toddler stage but it feels like a lose lose situation sometimes.