TTC after IUD Removal: Early Pregnancy or Hormones Regulating?

Hi there,

I got my iud (Kyleena) out on 03/25 as my partner and I are ready to try for a baby. I’m 33 and this is our first time TTC. I’ve been testing my ovulation with clear blue advanced and got low fertility every day until this past Saturday (04/13) and I got the peak ovulation smiley. I am now 5 DPO and have been experiencing headaches, extreme fatigue, light nausea (not actually vomiting), a lot of gas/ bloating, and having very vivid dreams. The anticipation is killing me so I went ahead and took a test today and it’s negative, but wondering if I’m just getting my hopes up for a positive test when it might still be my body regulating my hormones after being on an iud for 4 years. Also, I have not had a period since before I had my iud, 4 years ago. My obgyn did not give me any information on what to expect after my iud removal but she did put me on a prenatal. She also told me I would be immediately fertile. Is it possible to get pregnant without having a first period after iud? Could I possibly be experiencing early pregnancy symptoms at 5DPO? Or am I getting my hope up… I appreciate any insight you may be able to provide.