3rd c section incision bleeding. TMI Pic blood.

Rebecca • 31. Married. Mom of 3. 💙💙🩷

I am currently 9 days post c section. My 3rd one. First 2 went great. This one I started bleeding from my incision on day 6. Saw dr on day 7 and the removed most of my staples except around where it was open and put on steri strips to help keep it in place. It’s still bleeding. Not worse but not better. I’m going to call tomorrow if it hasn’t slowed down. Has anyone else experienced this? Just wondering what ended up happening with others. My first 2 I had glue and dissolvable stitches so these staples are strange to me. The pic is a few hours worth of bleeding on a 4x3 piece of gauze. No signs of infection yet. But that’s my fear.