I hate dogs !!

I cannot stand dogs I don’t like the way they look I don’t like the way they smell I don’t like the way they follow people around I don’t like the sounds they make when they eat. I don’t like when they cry. I don’t like when they look at you. I just do not like dogs!!

Me and my bf just broke up two days ago and he’s begging to come back. He took all of his things out of my house and is begging to come back. I told him ONLY HE CAN COME BACK. NOT THE DOG. Well he keeps getting mad and disrespectful over me saying this. I told him from the day I met him I DID NOT LIKE DOGS ! I tried with his dog. He had 14 dogs when we met. He took it down to 2. The female dog got pregnant again. Then it was 12 dogs. Then back down to two. THEN SHE GOT PREGNANT AGAIN !! Back to 12 dogs. I was at my limit with that so I made him get rid of the female. It was get it fix or get rid of it. She wasn’t a bad dog wasn’t needy nothing like this fuccccccikkjnmmm male dog. All he does is cry 24/7 cry cry cry cry cry. Beg cry cry cry ! He’s an adult dog. Just crying 24/7 begging for food crying for no reason!! If he goes to the bathroom he wants to be right up my bfs ssa!! Don’t let him walk down stairs. The dog runs so fast down the stairs after him. It’s disgusting!! He has no vehicle, I have a Jeep he he’s mad because I refuse to let the dog ride in my car. I don’t want nasty drool on my seats or dog fur on my seats!! I hate it. When we have food he drools and watches us. There was a point where we couldn’t really afford to feed our selves and he was giving the dog our food !!! I told him not to because what was we going to eat the next day? He said “ima feed my dog some every time” I said not food I buy ! Idc about that dog. Or it’s health. He’s told me over and over again “I care about my dog more than you bittt” and so now that he’s gone he can be with his dog homeless wherever he is living with the dog.

He told me on Valentine’s Day we couldn’t do anything because there was nobody to watch his dog… THIS DOG IS OVER 7 years old. An adult dog. Nothings wrong with it. It’s just a crying creature. I don’t like it. I never will. I tell him all the time if he leaves it here with me I’ll get it put down.

He threatens to have him attack me because I don’t want to give it food. And I told him he bites me he’s going straight to the rainbow bridge I’ll will call the police and have them force him to do it.

He thinks that I have to accept the dog and I don’t. I don’t want dog fur on my clothes or bed. He thinks the dog has to be in the bed on the furniture and all of that. I told him No if I catch it on the furniture I’d burn the furniture!!

Long story short I’m not taking him back unless he finds somewhere else to keep his dog.

He had the dog at his moms but it refused to eat bc it got worms from eating human food 24/7. Because they give him anything he cries for.

I let him bring it to my house to get it back to Health I feel like it was pretending because istg !!! Kid you not 2 days later the dog was back fat and no longer skinny. It was all a ploy. I finally have a pet free home and I cleaned my house top to bottom and no longer have the fur or smell in here and he’s begging to come back and bring the dog back. He can come but NO DOG!! I refuse to hear his feet on my wood floors. And his crying I hate that.