Just need to vent beauty

I can’t wait to start my new life soon I’m leaving my family house to be with my long distance bf that’s something we both want I am 24 years old living with my aunt and uncle and I’m just not happy living here anymore and plus my sister and niece moved in which was fine but after a while I missed having my own room to myself I miss having my own space if I wanted to play loud music I can’t do that anymore everytime I have to get ready for work I have to be quiet to try not to wake them up I feel trapped living here I feel like even tho I’m 24 I feel like I can’t do anything without my aunt all in my business asking me hella questions trying to control what I do and I can’t deal with it anymore I want that freedom I want to get away and finally live the life I wanna live and do what makes me happy I get they wanna be protective and that’s fine but I feel they go a lil overboard I’m just ready to live life for me