Medium Distance / Getting Stale

I'm 25 F. My partner is 27M. We're medium distance. I moved away 3 months ago to be closer to my new job. It's about an hour with no traffic. I notice that I like to text a lot more than he does about anything and everything. He will only update me here or there or just reply to the conversations I make. I try to be mindful that not everyone likes to text, but even for phone calls he doesn't go out his way much to call me. I have to remind him to call me at the end of the day. A lot of the time he's on chat for video games by the time I get off work so I'm pretty much sharing the attention. Starting to think medium distance/long distance isn't for me. We were at a point of breaking up since we are in our fighting stage. But then we end up making up. It's pretty difficult. When I think about moving on I think about having to start from scratch and then well..bound to get into arguments with a new partner anyways. I honestly do also hold some resentment towards him. He's 27, lives at home, doesn't have a job for a few years now, only making what he needs thru his stocks? , didn't go to school, technically doesn't have his own car. His family only has one car and he drives his family to wherever they need to. I try to justify this and think about how he's a good son to his family. But in the long run as a partner, I couldn't handle being the only one working and paying the bills. He said he's been looking for jobs but it's been over 3 months. Is the job market really that hard these days? I'm kind of torn. I wish he would also like to talk to me as much and also be more motivated to find a job. We have talked about these things but they end up as an argument