Little Bean

Courtney • Farm mom of 3 beautiful kiddos with baby #4 on the way ❤️❤️

We got to see our Little Bean yesterday! I was 7wks 2days and the little one was measuring pretty close to that timeline with a heart rate of 122 😍 Official due date was set for February 26th.

We did find out that I have a SH, so they will be monitoring that. I love my OB’s office because they don’t ignore how you are feeling and your anxiousness around things. I have anxiety normally and it’s typically heightened during pregnancy. With my loss last month and now the SH, they offered to do another ultrasound in 2 wks instead of making me wait the usual 4wks at 12wks. 🥰 So we have another ultrasound set in two weeks to track the SH and check to make sure little one continues to grow on track.