Exclusively pumping with Irish Twins- Help!

EP w/ Irish Twins… Could use some help


I have a 14 month old and a 7 week old. Been EP for the past 7 weeks and dad has been a tremendous help with feeding baby as I pump 7ppd for 30 minutes during each session. Thankfully baby is able to get most of her needs through breastmilk (almost just enougher) but I'm afraid once dad gets back to work in a few weeks it won't be as easy to manage on my own. Aside from meal prepping ahead of time I'm worried that it'll be challenging to care for babies while also keeping my cool so I don't lose my supply.

I guess I'm asking how do you get your older Irish twin preoccupied while pumping and also feed baby plus all other responsibilities at home? Is it possible to get down to 4ppd by 12 weeks pp?