Stop the worrying 😭😭TW !!!

Courtney • Mommy of five👧🏼👦🏼🧒🏼👶🏽👶🏽 Wifey to the best 💍🥰 Healthcare for life 👩🏼‍⚕️🚑 Arizonan 🏜🌞 YouTube and IG @oncloudscott please subscribe to real life!

Found out I was pregnant 10 dpo and couldn’t stop taking tests as they are really light. Then I went into the ED because of spotting and light bleeding. It’s to early to see anything on ultrasound (they tried) my hcg was 37 and then not even two days later my dr ran tests again and it’s at a 60 and my progesterone is 12.8. I’m just so anxious as we just had a 17 week loss in February and I just can’t help with the light bleeding off and on that something bad will happen, I can’t be hopeful I’m worried sick 😭😭😭