NIPT again..


Went for my 12 week ultrasound last Monday and got the blood work for NIPT. Doctor told me since I want to wait til birth to find out the gender to not open the results when they come to my online portal they will call me if there’s any news worth noting. Basically if I don’t hear from them no news is good news. Well I just got a call from them and my heart sank thinking they were calling to say there’s something wrong with the baby. No, just have to get blood drawn again because there wasn’t enough fetal blood in the first draw to get any results 🤦🏻‍♀️ So now I have to go back next Monday and wait even longer….. I just want to know my baby is healthy lol 😂 Has this ever happened to anyone? With my now 8 year old daughter I didn’t get the test and with my 13m old son I did but I got results back in like 4 days.