I’m frustrated with my body

I confirmed ovulation of 7/7 and made sure to bd on that day and a couple days around it. A week later I started spotting which lasted from 7/13-7/18. It started out as super light pink/brown blood and towards the end turned into bright red blood. It was never enough to fill a pad or tampon by any means. 

I have fairly regular periods that have never been early and they are never light. I’m talking bleeding through a super tampon within two hours and cramps so bad that I am worrying my husband and he considers taking me to the hospital. The spotting never accompanied cramps.

I’m now four days late on my period that was supposed to come 7/23. I’ve used all of the tests, early results, dollar store, blue dye, pink dye, digital, and I even had my doctor do a blood test for me and my hcg levels were 3 when a pregnant person’s levels are 50+ for a positive.

I have no symptoms, pms or pregnancy related. At this point I have nothing left but to just consider myself out for this month and assume that “spotting” I had was my period being over a week early, but that has never happened to me in my life. I’m frustrated that my body gave me hope that it was implantation bleeding and that I’d get a positive at this point but then took it all away. I’m discouraged and hurt because this is my first pregnancy and I can’t seem to make everything align. I’m not sure where to go from here.