Need advice!

We have a 2 year old and have kept pushing back the time to try for our second baby. I really want one and never wanted them to be far in age but we are not super comfortable money wise and the way the housing market is we couldn’t get a bigger apartment.

But I see everyone that was pregnant around me having their second baby and I don’t know how they do it. We aren’t dirt poor but we could definitely use some more income and I don’t want to fuck us by having another baby but the other half of me is like all these other people are doing it why would it be so bad for us too.

I plan on going to nursing school and thought it’d be better to have one now so I don’t have to take time off during school or wait until I’m done but is that messed up? I just feel like I’m drowning in baby fever but I don’t want to mess up our lives or not give our children the future they deserve