Anyone had success re-latching 4mo+?


I’m struggling hard mentally with pumping. I have way more than enough milk, it’s just about feeling so trapped with my pump and struggling to pump around my baby’s schedule. Going out even to the grocery store feels like a nightmare sometimes. I get so engorged when I have to pump barely late and get clogged and sore, and I think I’m about at the end of my pumping journey.

Anyway, I have an appointment with the lactation consultant at my son’s pediatrician tomorrow and am struggling to feel hopeful. I feel like I’ve tried literally everything possible at home to get him to latch and I’m not really asking for tips for that, I just am wondering if anyone has heard of any success stories trying to re-latch baby this late or later? Most things I see online are for newborns and I’m wishing for hope.

I feel very very guilty about how I’m probably going to switch to formula after getting through my freezer stash if this doesn’t work because I “can” make plenty for him. 🙁