How long after IUD removal did you get pregnant?

I just had my Mirena removed at the end of June and had some light bleeding around July 8th -10th but nothing I would really call a period. However, as of the past few days I've suddenly started feeling really exhausted, my boobs are super sore, I have the worst all day headaches accompanied with nausea, and I got an extremely faint positive on a Walgreens advanced detection test that I don't fully trust due to the brand. But I'm feeling it and have a sneaking suspicion I'm definitely pregnant but didn't expect anything to happen this fast. I'll be testing again tomorrow but wanted some insight from others on how fast they got pregnant after they had their IUD removed as well as if they had really intense PMS symptoms that mimicked pregnancy at all after removal? I've never had these symptoms as a part of PMS but I'm trying to weigh it all out.

I'm 34 and have two kids 6 & 12