Am I the problem


My 6 year old daughter took on her fears when she was asked to stand on stage during a magic show and I told her I was so proud and we’d do something fun before school because of how proud I was of her. She decided for her prize she wanted to do horseback riding somewhere before school starts. So I planned a trip to 2.5 hours away from us and took her and my MIL horseback riding! My husband didn’t have interest in going because of work so I drove there and back in a day and she had the best time ever!

Now my husband needs to be thanked for everything

Literally his whole mood will shift because we did something that he “paid for” and everyone should be thanking him.

So I didn’t thank him when we got back yesterday for paying for it all… but before bed he expressed how is he was bothered because he paid for that day trip and for us to go do something fun and I didn’t thank him

I said I am not doing this right now and went to bed.

I mean am I being a straight up b*%ch… I generally don’t think I should thank him. I think as a man he shouldn’t even give his woman a hard time for money or even guilt me because I did something fun with our daughter. Please tell me your ladies opinions…