Implantation bleeding?


Hi girls. This is my first cycle TCC. My period comes on a strict 29 day cycle. I also never spot before it comes. I usually just feel TERRIBLE cramps and when i go to the bathroom, is soo heavy. I’m 12 dpo, 2 days away from my period. I went to the bathroom and saw little faint brown spots in my underwear after work an hour ago. I checked my cervix and when i pulled my finger out, there was the tiniest bit of blood. Super light pink. I also have very mild cramps which is unheard of for me. I usually can’t even think when I have cramps without midol and a heating pad. Should I start testing soon or am I out this cycle and it’s my period coming? I keep seeing people get positives and IB on 8-10 dpo but I’m 12. Any help??

EDIT: I was checking my cervix because I keep track of where it’s at in my cycle. Not checking for “pregnancy” or even expecting to see bleeding. Just wanted to throw that out before ppl ask.