Progesterone lowering?

Becca • S I X BOYS, ages 16, 14, 10, 6 and forever 2 months he’s a heart warrior angel, then our double rainbow boy, he’s almost 2! I’ve had a miscarriage of twins in sept 2024 and we’re trying for our rainbow!

Hello, I currently am 5 weeks today, and due to being stuck in a different state I was unable to get my second/third beta and progesterone drawn, so I got

It for today. Progesterone was 10DPO 8/1 was 15.4 and hcg was 14, today it was 426 and 7.8 which it lowered, by half ish. I am RXd 400 mg of progesterone a day, has anyone had this happen?!?

Help! I am terrified!