Shaving/Wax before birth ?


Mamas! I’m due in a few days and not sure how it should be down there before I give birth 😩 should I wax or just let it be 😭p.s I normally wax but just been too busy and it was the last thing on my mind before birth but now I’m just thinking about it… tell me what you recommend! 🥰😅

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I’m a labor and delivery nurse ! We do NOT CARE. I’d say if you get razor burn… don’t shave. They use foams and such to clean you up if you have vaginal delivery. If you do c section you must trim /shave the area near where your incision is but we have a trimmer and just do it for you. I get such bad razor burn and the rubbing and blood and such would just be another factor of annoyance of recovery .


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I was hairy asf when I had mine even thought I wanted to shave before but baby came too soon while giving birth I promise it won’t matter


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Can't think of anything worse to go with postpartum pain than a shaving rash!! If you normally wax, shaving could also make your hair grow back thicker than normal. I would wax or trim. Sure the doctors and midwives don't care and have seen it all but might make you feel better since you are thinking about it now :)


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I would just shave.