TMI Post - Implantation discharge??


Hi everyone,

I was hoping for some clarity about the discharge in the photo.

There’s some confusion this month as to when I ovulated, as I never got a positive OPK. I think this means I ovulated earlier in my cycle than when I started testing. I’ve had this suspicion in previous cycles, but I’ve never tracked my cycle as thoroughly as this month.

I believe I’m most likely 14DPO, and during my last pregnancy I had symptoms by this point which I’m experiencing again to a lesser degree.

My period NEVER starts like this (photo). I put on a pantyliner and there has been no more discharge on that or subsequent toilet visits. What’s on the tissue was all there was, apart from a super light pink tinge when I wiped again.

I had a pretty light cramp at the time of the discharge, which has gone and left with this weird full feeling.

I don’t want to get my hopes up that I’m pregnant (it’s baby number 2 and our first month trying!)

Any help is greatly appreciated!!