Spotting/bleeding Early Questions

Brittany • Grow through what you go through 🙏 1 sweet 👦 6 angels 👼 Due 09/21 with 🌈 👧

Hi! I couldn’t think of a great title to ask what I’m trying to but here we go! Sorry if it’s TMI!

Around 7-9 DPO (not sure exactly when I ovulated) I had brown discharge when I wiped. I thought it might be implantation. An hour or so later I wiped again as I noticed a bright red spot on my liner. When I wiped I saw more and it was mostly pink and red. So then I thought my period is just way early. So I went to bed and woke up this morning expecting to see more flow but when I wiped it is back to brown light discharge. Which is not typical for my cycle as usually my first day I am pretty heavy.

So I don’t know what is going on. I did just come off birth control last month so maybe everything is out of whack but I don’t know if this is my cycle starting or not! I don’t have the usual PMS cramping that I get either. Any insight would be appreciated!