Hair Loss Treatments

Hi ladies,

This question actually pertains to men, but I’m hoping some of you gals have also gone through this with your partners and can share some advice to help my husband.

His hair is thinning RAPIDLY. He’s only 24 and has a very healthy lifestyle, so I’m guessing it’s just genetic. He’s very insecure about it though, and I want to help him however possible. Just in the last year, his hairline has receded quite a bit and he now has a visible bald spot at the back of his head.

We don’t want to use any pills or serums etc that aren’t natural. Anything that blocks DHT can help with hair loss, so that’s what is mostly marketed to men, but it also affects sperm count and quality. We don’t want that because we want kids in the near future.

Our wedding is in less than 10 months, so if you know of anything that can help in that time frame, please comment!!