

What is the Liklihood of me being not pregnant? I've been trying for awhile and don't want to get my hopes up. 3 days ago I got a positive from three different brands within time frame. I thought I was crazy so I tested three more times the following day all at different times and then started bleeding like I've started my period. Had a Dr appointment this morning to confirm and took another test before I went. Positive again. But Dr's pee test came back negative and she did a sonogram and said she didn't see anything and confirmed that at about 5 weeks she wouldn't be able to see anything anyway but still checked. Said false positives do happen. My heart sank slightly but we did a blood test and am waiting on that. I thought maybe I bought bad tests so I went and bought new boxes and a cassette as soon as I got back home. Those were positive too....everything within time frame. They are also much brighter in person than in the photo 😬 are these tests known for giving false positives?